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From: "Chris Purdie" <topher@fox.nstn.ca>
To: lightwave@webcom.webcom.com
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 1995 22:56:09 -0400
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Subject: Double Sided Poly Problem
Reply-To: topher@fox.nstn.ca
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I have a number of triangular, double sided polygons in a object that I
have to change to single sided polygons. The reason is that I must render
this object with both smoothing and double sided on, and the double sided
polys come out shaded funny.
Is there any easy way to select and change these from double to single
sided? Or an I doomed to cut them all, and the select the points to form
new polygons?
"Chris Purdie" <topher@fox.nstn.ca> sent this message.
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